1. Wide Target Audience
It is an easy conclusion when you examine the statistical data on the number of people using Meta (formerly known as Facebook). In 2024, Meta reached approximately 3.049 billion monthly active users, and this number continues to grow. In comparison to that, in 2019 Facebook reached almost 2.5 billion monthly active users. It is incredible and, therefore, offers an absolutely enormous potential for reaching a large audience. Meta is still ranked as the number one most famous social networking site worldwide. Find more statistics at Statista
Meta is so expansive that regardless of the country or age group you’re targeting, your potential customers are likely to be on the platform.
2. Meta's Social Influence.
A second reason why using Meta as a marketing tool is advantageous is due to the average Meta user having about 338 friends as of 2020. This is significant because it enables Meta to have a highly viral effect. If two friends like a Meta page and they have a third friend who enjoys similar content, Meta will recommend that third friend to also like the same page. This effect can spread rapidly. In contrast, platforms like YouTube are more private; you usually have no idea what your friends like on YouTube. YouTube does not suggest watching a video because a friend has watched it.
3. Authentic Profile
The third reason is that people use Meta with their real names. Why is that important for companies? The significant benefit is that when you click on a profile, you can learn more about the person behind it. Generally, users create profiles with their real names and display their interests. Examining profiles allows companies to create clear buyer personas. In contrast, on platforms like YouTube or Twitter, people tend to create profiles with fictional names. The users’ intent on those channels is not primarily to connect with friends as it is on Facebook. Furthermore, Meta offers valuable insights into demographic data about people who like your page. This makes it much easier to target your audience.
4. Meta's Social Network Integration
The fourth reason, and this is important to note, is that Meta owns WhatsApp and Instagram! If you refer back to the graphic of the most popular social network sites, you’ll notice that WhatsApp is ranked third and Instagram is sixth. With the integration of all three social networks, you can even target Facebook users on Instagram.
5. Meta Ad Power
Meta has a very powerful ad platform. That is the fifth reason, and to advertise, you need to create a page on Meta. To create a page, simply log into your regular Meta account, and there you go. You can create a page for free and start using Meta’s ad platform.